My wife and I have been active in the swinger lifestyle for years now but I remember one huge fear that I had when we first started. I was very insecure about the size of my penis and how I would compare to other men. I wondered what was the truth about swinger penis size and did it matter?
In general, you will find that swinger penis size is larger than what you will find in the general public. This can be discouraging for those with average or lower penis sizes. While penis size is not a big deal to many swinger partners it is to some and there are things you can do to enhance your penis size.
So let’s take a look at the truth about swinger penis size. Does swinger penis size matter, what is the average penis size, what is the average swinger penis size, how does penis size affect the swinger lifestyle, what penis size women prefer, and what can be done to change your penis size.
Table of Contents
What is the Truth about swinger penis size?
The truth about swinger penis size is that on average swinger men have a larger penis than the general public. This can cause a lot of stress for many men considering the swinger lifestyle.
We will explain how we came to this conclusion about swinger penis size. Some of our reasoning is from scientific studies and some are from our observations from years in the swinger lifestyle. We will also give some reasons that we think may explain this size difference.
Does swinger penis size matter?

I know that like many men I was always insecure about my penis size. When my wife and I began seriously discussing becoming swingers, all of these insecurities came to the surface and almost prevented me from joining the lifestyle.
There is a tendency to just dismiss men’s concerns over penis size and we feel that this is just not right. We are allowed to be concerned about our weight, our jobs, our hair, and many other things so why not penis size. Dismissing someone’s fears does not help them get over the fear.
Penis size is not the most important factor when it comes to the swinger lifestyle but anyone who says it doesn’t matter at all is not telling the truth. You can be a successful swinger with or without a large penis but a large penis can be helpful in some circumstances.
Like everything else, we think it is important to look at the facts and understand your anxiety. Understand the role of penis size in the swinger lifestyle and then decide how you want to proceed. Find a way to move forward and enjoy life. Don’t let your penis size concerns keep you from joining the swinger lifestyle.
What is the average penis size for all men?

The first thing to determine is what is the average penis size. The largest and most widely accepted study on penis size is found in the BJU International journal of urology.
This study that involved the measurements of over 15,000 men found that the average length of an erect penis is 5.16 and 4.5 inches in circumference. When flaccid state, the study found the average penis to be 3.6 inches in length and 3.6 inches in girth.
This study is considered the most accurate because all measurements were taken by medical professionals. Many other studies rely on men taking and reporting their own measurements. It may not be a shock but some question the validity of self-measurement studies over fears of men exaggerating their penis size.
This average size should make many men feel better as it is a lot smaller than what many think. I have discussed these averages with my wife and many other women and for the most part, they seem to think that these averages match up with their experiences before the swinger lifestyle.
Another remarkable finding of this study was that most men fall pretty close to the average. 80% of men had an erect penis length of between 4.3 inches and 6 inches in length. Less than 5% had less than 4 inches of erect length and less than 5% had an erect length over 6.5 inches.
What is the average penis size of a swinger?

When it comes to the average swinger penis size, our information is a little less scientific. There are no actual studies available on this so all of this information is completely drawn from our observations.
Over the years, my wife and I went to dozens of swinger resorts and swinger clubs. At these swinger spots, we have seen thousands of swinger men’s penises in both the erect and flaccid states. My wife has touched hundreds of these swinger penises and if they were flaccid they soon became erect.
What we have noticed is that swinger penis size at these places is significantly above what is found in the general public. Granted we are not taking rulers out and measuring all of these swinger penises but my wife is very much a numbers person and is very accurate in her estimates.
By our estimate, the average swinger penis size is about an inch longer (4.5 inches) when soft (flaccid) and about 3/4″ longer (6 inches) when erect. She also is very certain that the averaged swinger penis circumference tends to be bigger but finds that harder to quantify.
My wife and I paid extra attention to penis size at swinger resorts when we first started going to them. This was because I had shared my concerns with her and I wanted to know if my fears were justified.
She reluctantly signed on but over time became a penis size expert. Now she can nail down an estimate of swinger penis size to within a 1/4″ about 95% of the time (we have experimented on this with friends).
We have talked with other swinger couples and many have made this same observation. The penis size at swinger resorts seems to be even larger on average than that of swinger clubs. Additionally, the average size of the single men at swinger clubs and resorts is even larger than the swinger penises average.
Why is the average swinger penis size larger?

Once again this is pure conjecture on our part but we think we have an answer to this question. We think that the swinger penis size is larger because men with larger penises are more likely to be confident about showing them off in an environment like a swinger club or swinger resort.
If you haven’t been to one yet, swinger clubs and resorts (especially the resorts) have a lot of public nudity. It could be in the playrooms, the hot tub, the pool, the sauna, or whatever is going on.
It is just human nature that if you are insecure about your penis size you are less likely to go to these places where everyone will see it.
I almost didn’t join the swinger lifestyle because of my fears and I was a little above average in penis size when I started the lifestyle. I can only imagine how a man would feel if they were actually on the lower end of the scale.
If you are a guy that is on the larger size and have been told that your whole adult life, you are much more likely to go and let it hang out for the world to see.
Having a large penis is known to give many men confidence in life. If haven’t heard of this just Google “big dick energy” for a ton of articles on the confidence and swagger of men with a large penis.
This confidence carries over into the world of swinging. This confidence not only lets you show off your penis but also alleviates some of the fears of being a swinger. I know I originally had fears of swapping and how my wife would feel about me after having sex with a much larger man.
All of these factors contribute to the likelihood of swinger men having a larger penis than what you would have in the general public.
Does Swinger Penis Size Matter?

I have talked to my wife and hundreds of other swingers about this issue and the answer varies from person to person. I can say a couple of things with 100% certainty.
These are our truths about how others feel about swinger penis size:
- Swinger penis size is not a top factor in determining your success in the swinger lifestyle.
- Many women don’t care at all about penis size.
- I have not once heard of a female swinger rejecting a guy over penis size.
- A large penis size will get you noticed at swinger events.
- Large penis size will open up some swinger opportunities that would otherwise not happen.
- Men with a large swinger penis do seem to be more confident at swinger events
Why swinger penis size doesn’t matter?
When it comes to the swinger lifestyle, there are many factors for men that are much more important than penis size. We would say that self-confidence (whether from a big penis or anything else) is the most important thing that you can have.
Outgoing men that have self-confidence without arrogance are the most successful swingers. Other swingers are drawn to them. When it comes down to it, we are all here to have a good time and a few laughs so we are all naturally drawn to this type of person.
As far as important factors for women, my interviews with my wife and other swinger women have told me that there are a lot of factors that are more important than penis size. Some of these factors are personality, physique, sense of humor, and empathy.
My wife says that she would take a Brad Pitt with a good personality and a 4″ dick any day over a Ron Jeremy with a huge penis. I don’t think she is alone at all in this assessment.
The truth is that no matter what your penis size is that you can be a successful swinger. You will thrive in the lifestyle if you are confident and fun. The guys that are the center of many parties have average-sized swinger penises.
Why swinger penis size matters?

Now, this is the controversial part of this article because I am going to say that swinger penis size does matter. As I said above, it is not the most important thing and you can thrive no matter what size you are but things are a little easier for those with larger swinger penises.
First of all, a large swinger penis just helps to give you confidence. I know that it is now much easier to be in a swap situation knowing that my penis is probably larger or equal to whoever we are swapping with.
It shouldn’t matter but it just does. I know it is a male ego thing but it is what it is and I know I am not the only one that feels this way.
The larger penis also gives you the confidence to just let it hang out there in any situation. Now that I am confident in my penis size, I am able to walk around clothing-optional swinger resorts with pride. I have no concerns about what anyone else thinks about my penis.
Another factor is that no matter what they say, women do notice penis size. My wife is one that never placed a lot of emphasis on the penis size but she still took notice of a large penis when she saw one. Women notice it and they discuss it which can lead to an additional confidence boost.
Some women prefer a large penis or are at least intrigued by a large penis. I have seen many situations where a man gets invited to play due to his large swinger penis size. Many times a woman has a large penis fantasy and the man with the large penis is invited into the situation to fulfill these fantasies.
One of my favorite swinger occurrences happened to me after I had increased my penis size. We were at the Hedonism nude pool late at night. We had met up with another couple and things had progressed. The lady had me hop up on the edge of the pool and she proceeded to give me a blow job.
A couple of women that were in the pool started watching her and commented to my wife about how impressed they were with my penis size. She told them that it was even more impressive up close and that they should try it out.
To make a long story short, I ended up with four women taking turns blowing me at the pool with my wife watching. What makes this story more incredible is that I am your average middle-aged man with a “dad bod”. The one thing that now sets me apart and led to this situation is that I have a large swinger penis.
So what swinger penis size do women prefer?
Now comes the really uncomfortable part, there have been scientific studies showing that most women actually prefer a larger penis.
In a 2015 study, researchers from the University of California and the University of New Mexico attempted to determine the penis size preferred by women. In this study, the women participants were presented with 33 different 3D models representing different combinations of length and girth.
The women were asked to pick the 3D that was the closest to their desired penis size in potential partners. For long-term partners, the average response was 6.3 inches in length and 4.8 inches around. For a one-time sexual partner, the average 3D penis model that the women chose was 6.4 inches long and 5.0 inches in circumference.
These size preferences are significantly larger than the average penis size. If you are using volume (which is the true measurement of penis size), women preferred a penis that was about 50% bigger than the average penis for one-night stands.
What Can You Do About Your Penis Anxiety?

We have gone over several reasons why you should and shouldn’t worry about your swinger penis size. The truth is that this anxiety is often irrational and many men are going to have it no matter what. After all, I know there are a ton of men with huge swinger penises that have this anxiety.
In the end, there are three things that you can do about your swinger penis size anxiety.
1. You can accept it
This is probably the healthiest decision. The best course of action for most men is to just accept their penis size for what it is. If you can get over your anxiety and move forward, you will be better off.
This advice is coming from a guy that never got over his anxiety. I ended up investing time and money in overcoming my penis size issues. I don’t know if I would have been happier but it would have been a lot easier if I would have accepted my natural penis size.
If you can relax and not worry about your swinger penis size, you will be a successful swinger. Focus your energy on being confident and fun. These things are the most important qualities of any swinger.
2. You can make your penis appear bigger
There are a few things that you can do to make your penis appear to be bigger without actually changing its size. These few actions tend to usually be quicker and easier than actually changing your penis size.
Probably, the easiest thing to do is to trim up down there. If you keep your pubic hair shaved or nice and trim, it will help make it appear that you have a large swinger penis.
While not as easy as trimming up, losing weight is a great way to make your penis look bigger. Excess fat covers up the penis and makes it look smaller than it actually is. It is estimated that men gain an extra inch in visible penis length for every 30 pounds they lose.

The next thing is extremely important. Your erections will appear larger if you have harder and fuller erections. Lifestyle changes like weight loss will help you with this but I suggest trying out acoustic wave therapy for erection quality. This type of treatment was a real game-changer for me when nothing else would work.
3. You can ACTUALLY make your penis bigger
As you may have guessed, I was not able to accept my penis size and I actively worked to give myself a large swinger penis. I wasted a ton of money on pills, and other gimmicks and even tried surgery with no real results.
After studying the subject for a long time and almost giving up, I found the one scientifically proven method to lengthen and thicken your penis. This is not quick or easy and does take a significant time and effort investment.
The only proven method of penis enlargement is through the use of penis traction devices. Below are just a few of the scientific studies showing the effects of these devices:
- Effect of penile-extender device in increasing penile size in men with shortened penis: preliminary results
- The Phallosan Study
- Applying extender devices in patients with penile dysmorphophobia: assessment of tolerability, efficacy, and impact on erectile function
- A pilot phase-II prospective study to test the ‘efficacy’ and tolerability of a penile-extender device in the treatment of ‘short penis’
To make these penis traction devices work, you need to make a significant commitment. You need to be willing to wear them for at least six hours per day, seven days a week for at least three months. If you can do that, you will see significant results.
I was committed and I achieved significant results. My results were much more than the typical results but you will see results if you just stay committed to the use of your device.
The most important thing is that you can not use a low-quality penis traction device. You need one that will stay in place and be wearable for hours. Many low-quality devices fall off at inopportune times causing embarrassment and lack of results. Without a good traction device, you are wasting your time.
My main device was the Phallosan Forte. This is the device that I used to get my penis enlargement program really going. With my Phallosan Forte, I gained half an inch in penis size in the first three months and a full inch in the first year.
This may not sound like a lot to some readers but in the world of penis enlargement, this is huge. This device gave me the large swinger penis that I always wanted and the confidence that I needed to embrace the swinger lifestyle.
This penis size gain gave me the full confidence to fully embrace the swinger lifestyle with my wife. I left behind my worries of inferiority and gained a new confidence that she and others find very attractive.
If you want to read about my entire journey with the Phallosan Forte, including links to my documented gain pictures you can click here.
Final thoughts On Swinger Penis Size

In general, most men considering the lifestyle have too much anxiety about swinger penis size. This is not as important as many men fear, but penis size is still an important factor to many swingers.
It does not help anyone when men are told that swinger penis size doesn’t matter and to just get over their fears. This is because this statement does not match up with reality. If you go to the swinger clubs and resorts, you see the guys with the large swinger penises getting special attention.
Additionally, studies and first-hand observations are showing that many women are at least curious about the bigger penis. Once again, this does not mean this is the most important factor out there but to just dismiss it and say it is not a factor at all helps no one.
In the end, it is hard to get over this type of anxiety. It is best to get over it if you can, but I know that I couldn’t. I did whatever I could to make my penis larger when I entered the lifestyle with my wife.
I made my penis appear larger by losing weight, trimming up the pubes, and enhancing my erection quality. Then I made the huge time commitment of actually enlarging my penis with the Phallosan Forte device.
To this day, it still makes me mad that so many people say that real penis enlargement is impossible. I don’t understand why we say that when it just takes time and dedication. Now that I have achieved my penis-size goals, I have opened up my life to a whole new confidence in the swinger world.
Swinger penis size shouldn’t have mattered to me but it did and I did something about it. That just gives me confidence.